Kyle Bathgate
I love to travel and explore new places. As a transportation engineer, I am always excited to ride on the local public transit systems of the places I visit and also make stops at
interesting transportation or infrastructure facilities. These photos offer highlights of some cool events, places, and transportation systems that I have been fortunate to see recently.
2025 TRB Annual Meeting
I had a great time seeing old friends and making new ones at the 2025 TRB Annual Meeting in Washington, DC! It's always exciting to see new research and innovative findings in our field.
Enjoying lunch with former UT Austin SPARTA Lab members and our advisor, Dr. Stephen Boyles.
I also received an award for Volunteer Excellence for assisting with activities for the Young Member Council on Sustainability and Resilience. Congrats to all the award winners and thanks to our co-chairs Stephen and Tia for all you do!
2023 TRB Annual Meeting
Presenting a poster about interdependent port infrastructure vulnerability assessment with my colleagues, Jingran Sun and Shidong Pan, at the 2023 TRB Annual Meeting.
Panama Canal
A true engineering marvel, the Panama Canal is an important link in the global freight network, allowing vessels to travel between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. What I find most interesting
about the Panama Canal is that it serves as great example of the different disciplines within the civil engineering profession and how these disciplines may be integrated within a single
project. Transportation, structures, geotech, hyrdaulics/hydrology, and construction management all play a role in the canal's construction and operation, illustrating the power of civil
San Francisco
On a recent trip to San Francisco with my girlfriend, Jen, we made it a point to ride as many forms of transportation as possible. From cable cars, to street cars, to commuter rail, to
biking the Golden Gate Bridge, we covered almost all modes!
Being from Illinois, I have a lot of friends in the Chicago area and I frequently visit. CTA is a great way to explore the city!
While I love traveling, it is always great to return home to Austin, Texas. On a recent flight back, I was treated to a wonderful aerial view of the Austin skyline and UT campus.